Love Music
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Chapter 5
“Khrystine, you aren’t giving me enough energy. I think this outfit is a bad idea too,” snorted Ashely the photographer.

“Because it doesn’t show enough skin,” snapped Khrystine.

The stylist had selected two outfits for the shoot, one a white leather mini with a lacy tank top, and the other, a white kimono with black roses. This was mainly Khrystine’s idea, who was fascinated with oriental clothing, and Asian culture. She had them give her dramatic slanted eyeliner, and fashion her hair in a chigon accented with a black rose.

“No, the look is just over the top. You are video vixen, but in this, I don’t know, you aren’t projecting,” added Ashley.

“Listen, I think she’s projecting fine. I think Khrystine is right with this one. She looks different, it’s classy, but it’s edgy and cute. She won’t look like any other girl in Young Lifestyle’s magazine,” added Mike.

“Yes she does look hot. Sexier Khrystine. Pout a little. Put on whatever music she likes, and just relax. Sensual pout,” he said at the same time directing his assistant and Khrystine.

She was easily able to project herself into a sexy mood by thinking about this afternoon with Dylan. Going to get pizza with Dylan was going to be extremely interesting. His curly wealth of dark brown hair glistened beautifully under the glow of the moonlight by the pool yesterday. The sincerity of his voice over the telephone, even the slight initial stammer was so adorable her heart fluttered just thinking about it.

“Khrystine. Focus. You’re having trouble focusing,” barked Ashley.

“Turn up the fury,” said Khrystine mimicking the music that was playing in the background, at the camera.

Everyone, especially Ashley laughed and it soothed the mood.

She wondered what Dylan did during these shoots. He seemed too authentic and earthy to pose, but she knew he had to. Everyone did. A delicious thought of an old picture she saw of Dylan, his guitar resting casually on his leg, eagle spread in tight levis popped into her head. She shook her head and Ashley murmured angrily-

“You blew that one. Is something wrong,”

“No, I’m alright,” stammered Khrystine.

She was unnerved because although she remembered Dylan from the early G-note days, she didn’t realize that picture had such a striking impression on her adolescent mind. Looking back, she could remember the tingle that arose in her body when she first saw the man who’d sung those wailing notes she’d heard on STAR 107 FM, and squealing how gorgeous he was as Monique shook her head. That was over five years ago. Funny how the unconscious mind could store memories in its corner and untuck them later at the strangest times. She felt sick to her stomach. Never did she want him to think she was a fawning groupie. After all she was only establishing herself in the business.

“I just. I need a diet coke,” she murmured softly and the assistant quickly handed her one with a straw before she could blink.


As he sloshed his cornflakes around in his bowl, Dylan pondered the reason he’d woken up so early this morning. He had to admit it was excitement over picking up Khrystine for pizza this afternoon. The last time he could recall getting excited for a date was when he was in high school.

Since his success with g-note, he didn’t have to woo the ladies, they seemed to make themselves available when he wanted, and seep into the background when he didn’t want them. He’d missed a lot of what he should have learned about developing relationships with women in the interim and he felt embarrassed. He hoped he didn’t act like a buffoon around Khrystine and he prayed that he acted the way she expected a man should act around a lady.

He was sincerely trying and didn’t know any better, just that she was beautiful, sweet, and funny and even if he only got to establish a friendship with her in the beginning, he wanted to know her better.

Later, when he was combing his hair, he knew something was wrong with him. He was acting like a girl and it bothered him. No man ever cared what they wore when they were going out on a date. Or did they? Was this a date? Would she consider it a date?

He had lots of clothes but they weren’t necessarily different options. Cut off jeans, cut off kahki shorts, he had some leather pants, jeans, and a wide assortment of leather motorcycle jackets. Probably he should break out his best Harley Davidson motorcycle jacket, boots, and leather pants. Couldn’t go wrong with something vintage, classy, and all American. But Khrystine didn’t look the type to dig a guy on a Harley.

Never had he met someone quite like her. And never was he at such a loss of how to behave and what to do. He wondered if she had that effect on everyone else.


They wrapped earlier than Khrystine had expected, the set was broken down and everyone was leaving. She’d told them all, she didn’t need a ride, she had other plans and they left.

She looked angrily at her watch and wondered what was keeping Dylan.

He’d said he would be there at 12:45, and she told him that the shoot ended at 1:00.

Now it was approaching 1:45. He seemed so nice and sincere over the phone, but now she wondered if he was really a jerk and didn’t’ really care about showing up on time. Perhaps he even wanted to see how long she would wait for him when he bothered to show up.

“I’ll wait for 15 more minutes. If he’s not here by 2:00 I’m out of here,” she murmured to herself.

If he thought she’d hang around just to hang all over her, he had another thing coming. Just when she thought she’d figured him out, and he’d even shown her some vulnerability, he went and pulled a stunt like this. He’d badgered her into going out and now he wasn’t even making an effort.

She breathed deeply, titling her head. Maybe she was jumping to paranoid conclusions. She’d still only wait fifteen more minutes, but he could have gotten caught up in traffic, or had some other urgent matter to take care of. She hoped so, because being this late to their first social engagement was downright rude.


Dylan hopped in his Cherry Red classic 57 Chevy. It was his dream car in his New Jersey home and it was one of the things he’d had flown to him to make his stay in California more pleasant. He looked at his watch.

Gosh, he was nearly an hour late because he was having a difficult time deciding what to wear. If this wasn’t girly behavior, he didn’t know what was. Usually the woman was late. He just didn’t want her to think that he was a slob, or only a hard rock biker head. And honestly, he was extremely nervous.

He wondered if she was still at the shoot. She said it might run late. He started to call her on the cell phone but he thought she might be a little angry at him. He didn’t realize how late it had gotten in the house and time had gotten away from him. She was probably the classiest woman he’d ever had company with and he was about to mess that up.

“I don’t deserve her anyway,” he muttered under his breath speeding toward the location of Khrystine’s photo shoot.

In seven minutes he was turning the corner to the set and he pulled around the back where the acts usually exited. It only took him two seconds to see Khrystine wearing black jeans, and a white tank shirt. It only took him two more seconds, when he pulled up beside her to see that she was very angry.

“Where the heck were you? I waited, and waited. You know? You are like almost an hour late. Everyone offered me a ride, heck I even told the limo service they could leave because I knew you would be on time,” she spat out this sentence as a long never ending stream.

“I know you did. I’m sorry. I bet never want to see me again. It’s stupid that I was late,” he added.

He hung his head in shame and this time, it wasn’t a ploy to get pity, he was genuinely sorry that he’d disappointed her.

“Well Dylan we did say 12:45 and I understand a couple of minutes but you are over an hour late,” she said with her arms folded.

He remembered from his childhood that a woman with her arms folded was never a good omen.

“We did. You want to know why I was late, the macho manly answer or the true reason?” he said stepping out of the car and leaning against the front door.

“Don’t try to make me laugh Dylan. You better have a good reason. You almost missed me. I was about to call the limo service to come back here,” added Khrystine.

“The real reason I was late is because, well, I was excited about taking you out, and I don’t have, well I have a lot of clothes, but I didn’t really think I had anything nice enough to wear out with you. I mean, I didn’t want you to think I was a slob, and I kinda thought well with the video that you would, I mean you always dress so pretty, I mean even in jeans, that you would think that I didn’t look nice or something,” stammered Dylan.

“Is that, Is that true. Is that really why you were late. Oh my god,” she said batting her eyelashes and grabbing a locket hanging loosely around her neck. She turned sideways so he couldn’t see her.

She kept shaking her head back and forth, and she wouldn’t look at him.

“My god I can’t believe this,” she muttered softly.

He thought he’d really messed up now. He wasn’t sure if that statement was to him, or if she was speaking aloud.

“Listen if you are mad and you’d still be willing to go out some other time I understand and know that I’m sorry for,”

“Dylan. That’s the sweetest thing someone has said to me in a long time. You were late because you were nervous. Oh Dylan, I can’t picture you being nervous about anything. And that, that shows you care, which makes up for not being on time. You aren’t a slob, don’t think that. Just don’t use your sweetness as an excuse to be late all the time,” she said.

“I didn’t realize the time in the apartment, I will never, ever be late again. You look beautiful, the jeans and the tank top are just perfect,” added Dylan softly.

“Harley Davidson is perfect too. Dylan your eyes are honest. I can see that you care,” she added softly.

“This is a very nice car Dylan,” squealed Khrystine looking over his shoulder.

“Do you really like this,” said Dylan, looking at his boots.

He took great pride in his car, and was embarrassed to actually look at her, for fear she would see how much it meant to him.

“A 57 Chevy? Of course I love it. I never had the pleasure of riding in one, but I love the lines of this car, always have. An American beauty,” added Khrystine.

Once again he’d assumed too much at face value. He never imagined her to be the type to appreciate classic cars.

“I think I’m looking at an American beauty. I did all this work on her myself,” added Dylan proudly.

“All yourself? Then, you must be good with your hands,” said Khrystine softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

She was unconsciously sexy and it drove him mad with longing.

“Oh Khyrs- Khrystine, I’m really handy, with cars. My dad taught me everything he knew,” he added bashfully looking at his feet.

“He taught you a lot, and well, it looks great,” said Khyrstine brightly.

“Well lets not waste any more time standing around, it’s hot, and you are probably tired,” said Dylan.

He ushered her around to the passengers side of the door. He longed to put his arm around those broad yet feminine shoulders of hers, but he didn’t know how she would react to him just yet. He didn’t want to turn her off the way he did backstage, and his awareness of the fact that he cared about her state of mind brought a warm glow to his heart.

He opened the door for her.

“What a gentleman you are Dylan? No one opens doors anymore, well no one but- Nevermind, anyway, it’s nice to see someone still does,” she said grinning at him.

This was the broadest grin he’d ever seen her smile at something he said, and boy was it beautiful. She could have easily done her own Colgate commercial with the bright beautiful gleaming teeth she had.

“It’s hard not to be a gentleman around you,” he said smiling at her.

“This looks really nice inside Dylan,” said Khyrstine.

“You want to see some pictures of what she looked like before,” asked Dylan reaching in his back pocket for his wallet.

He produced a picture taken when he first got the car, it was rusted out in several places, stripped of paint, no hubcaps on the wheels, and a large gash where the scoop of the hood lay.

She shrieked.

“This looked like that? And you did all this yourself? Gosh Dylan, you are talented in more ways than one,” she said.

Her wide eyed gawking expression made his heart flutter, he was embarrassed, but he felt like a little boy thrilled that he’s impressed his favorite teacher.

“It’s really nothing. I’ve got an Impala I’m restoring. I could let you watch sometime,” he added brightly.

What was he saying? What kind of magnetic hold did that woman have on him? He never let anyone in the garage while he was working, anymore than he liked having others around when he was first fleshing out a song. And yet with Khrystine the prospect didn’t seem bothersome, it actually felt like fun to think of having her oversee parts of the restoration.

“An Impala? No kidding? My father had one of those restored, one of the models from the glory days of his youth, back in the B.C.E era,” joked Khrystine.

He liked her quick silly wit, and he laughed hard in spite of himself.

“Don’t you mean before the evolution of man? Just don’t forget that one day we’ll both be old, and our bratty children will be referring to us the same way,” chuckled Dylan.

“You just watch your mouth. I should still be singed that you are late,” teased Khrystine.

“Well lets get on our way to grab some pizza before you change your mind,” said Dylan.

“I’m not changing my mind. I’m here now, and so far enjoying the company,” smiled Khrystine.

“I’m glad. I’m enjoying yours too. You ever been to Sal’s?” grinned Dylan.

He whipped down a few side streets and out onto the freeway.

“Nope. Never. You are just gonna walk into the pizzeria?” asked Khrystine.

“How else are we gonna get the pizza,” joked Dylan.

“Well I mean, wouldn’t you get mobbed I mean, I’m not as famous as you are, but don’t people just run up to you? They run up to me,” added Khrystine softly.

“No they don’t. It’s probably because I just look like any old guy on a motorcycle. You look like a princess. People take a second look at you and they recognize you because you are so beautiful and perfect. Me, I’m just an ordinary guy and people look once and look away. People come up every now and then, but not all the time,” added Dylan.

“Beautiful? Perfect? You must want me to treat huh?” joked Khrystine.

“Not at all, I’m being sincere Khrystine. I really don’t know how to be any other way with you,” he said glancing out of the corner of his eye.

She was blushing, he could see it, and yet she was trying to hide it behind her two hands pressed to her lips. God she was adorable, her shoulder length black tresses blowing everywhere as the wind whipped about the convertible. Luscious was a better word to describe her, she smelled like peaches, and he had to wonder what her kisses tasted like. Everything was perfect, on down to ten immaculately polished brown toes. He felt guilty for wanting her, because he didn’t know her that well. He’d never felt any tinge of guilt from wanting to know a woman. However he surmised it was because she was so special she seemed like a prize that needed to be earned.

“Well, you are probably the only guy alive right now who only knows how to be sincere,” she joked.

“You give us mere mortals, men, a hard time Khrystine. I think you’ll like Sal’s Khrystine,” said Dylan bringing the car to a halt when he saw a parallel parking space.

It was all he could do not to put his arm around her as he backed his ride into the space. But he refrained from doing so because he knew how distant she could be at times and he didn’t want anything to ruin the great strides he’d made with her since yesterday.

Briefly he wondered whether taking her in Sal’s was a bad idea when he opened the fingerprint smeared ancient glass door to the pizzaria. He’d forgotten how shabby it would probably seem to a woman as classy as Khrystine. But when she stepped in side she remarked.

“Looks cozy. Looks a lot like the greasy spoons we used to stop at when I was on my first gig with Eddie,” added Khrystine.

He was delighted to discover that they had the same taste in pizza too, just simple double cheese. He’d started to order a diet coke for her after he ordered his beer, but she piped in that she wanted what he was having.

“You drink beer,” said Dylan genuinely surprised. She didn’t look the type to enjoy beer.

He was beginning to like Khrystine even more already.

“I’m not a heavy beer drinker, but I really have acquired a taste for Mexican beer,” added Khrystine.

“Well you certainly don’t look like you’d be a heavy beer drinker, but it’s nice to be with a beautiful woman who can appreciate a good brew,” he said grinning at her softly.

“Well it’s nice to be with a man who appreciates a good brew and has good manners,” said Khrystine.

She asked him to get her a paper cup to pour her beer in. He started to ask what she needed the cup for and she had a bottle, but it was a classy woman thing he supposed. He’d never known a woman in his life as classy as she was and he found it intriguing, particularly now that she was starting to let down her hair in spite of her regality.

“Hey why….why waste a good pie in a dump like this huh? I mean the food’s great here but let’s take it some place with some better scenery,” added Dylan.

“Sure, sounds good to me,” said Khrystine.

He opened both the door to the pizzaria, and the door to his car for her.

“There’s a nice spot a little ways up from here, where we can see a view of the city,” added Dylan.

“Cool. Just don’t get me off the beaten path and get up to something no good,” she said looking at him in a playful stern manner.

He was beginning to wonder how much of her was really stern and how much of Khrystine was being playful while still trying to keep her distance.

“I am always on my best behavior around you,” he said whipping down side streets on his quest to find the little nook that would allow them to glance high above LOS Angeles.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4

JaQuon made her so sick. She wished that he wasn’t always trying to pressure her to offer more than she could give. She threw her towel onto the floor, and poured herself another glass of wine. As usual when she felt miserable, all she wanted to do was play the piano.

She walked over to the piano, glancing at lance’s picture on the table beside it. She knew she made an odd picture, her damp hair and dripping wet bikini from the pool, but she didn’t need to tidy up for anyone right now. Alone with her instrument, she had the only audience, the only cheering section she needed.

“This one is for you Lance. You liked when I played this one for you. Baby girl is all grown up now. Famous too. I did it. The same way you said it would be for me. Like a fairy tale I’d be in the right place at the right time and everyone around me would know, they would just know, that I was the new millennium Diana Ross. Or something like that. And I did learn to sight read, not just play by ear. I said I would. Our performing arts school? It taught us a lot. I miss you and I wish you were here with me too,” she sobbed.

The tears spilled from the corners of her lids onto her fingers, and trickled down the ivory and she didn’t even see them fall from her eyes, she wasn’t cognizant of the fact that she was bawling until she felt them on her finger tips.

Lance had been so good looking. He had smooth buttered colored skin, light brown eyes, and the most adorable naughty grin in the world. Good stature was what he had, according to her father, the way he walked, the way he carried himself showed that he was destined for better things.

Why had he been taken away from everyone who loved him in the prime of his life? Three weeks before high school graduation, he swerved into the left lane of the highway to avoid hitting a grazing deer, and didn’t see the oncoming truck in time to save himself. If only he hadn’t been on his way to her house in that instant to take her to the movies, he’d still be here with her. He would have seen it all, and he would be cheering her on. They probably would be married by now. She still couldn’t look through her yearbook without bawling. Not only was there the very long and loving note he’d written in the back of her book, but the yearbook went to press before lance died, and they were voted in the back as the couple most likely to get married, their photo beside the nomination. It was homecoming day, she was in her cheerleading uniform, sitting in his lap and he was wearing his letterman jacket.

She’d wanted to give herself to him for the first time, and never got the chance. Somewhere deep within herself, she’d never gotten over him, and she wanted to save that part of herself. She felt like it belonged to him. Sure, maybe they only went together for the four years they were in high school, but she bonded with him in a way she couldn’t bond with anyone else. And that was why she kept her locket close to her heart. So she wouldn’t ever forget that some day, she would see lance again, and get to tell him that “they” did it. And she vowed, never to give herself to someone that she didn’t love with her whole soul. Lance wouldn’t have wanted that. He would have wanted her to have the best, and someone her family would have been proud of, as they were proud of him.

Now that she’d had a good cry, her mind was clear, and now she was seeing something sort of blue, sort of red, and she tried to recreate the purple feeling across the keys. It was the beginning, a seed of a melody. And she could feel within that melody the resistance she always felt, of wanting to give herself, but not trusting, and the utter loneliness she felt, even when surrounded by legions of adoring people. Because everyone she loved went away somewhere else. Either their job took them some where else, life took them somewhere else, or in the worst case, they left the earth entirely, everyone but Monique, who was her grounding center.

Her anger at JaQuon had all but melted, and she entertained a fantasy about Dylan. She was singing to him, and he was in the center of the stage. He’d dressed up nicely for her in a suit and tie, but he still had that rugged, untamed masculinity about him. She sat on his lap, singing to him suggestively pulling him toward her by the tie, closer, and closer, and as she fantasized, the melody on the keys was beginning to grow insistent, and pounding, in sharp contrast to the gentle careening notes she’d played before. She felt a tingle rise up her spine, and she knew that tingle she’d felt when playing with his big weathered hand, writing her number within was real.

A cold shower did nothing to clear his Khrystine Morgan thoughts. He thought surely it would. The two times he’d met her, she’d smelled so sweet, and he wondered what fragrance she used. Or did she just smell like that all the time. And those almond shaped mysterious eyes. The veil of those eyes just pulled them in. They were exotic, oriental perhaps. Then that smooth dark skin reminded him of mahogany. He wondered what her pouty, well defined little lips tasted like, what they would feel like close to his own.

Was she aggressive, or would she be frightened and back away if he dared try to kiss her. He didn’t even know enough about her to want to kiss her, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it. Was Khrystine the video vixen real? The woman that was capable of bringing grown men to trembling knees just staring at her incredible sexiness, coming from both her screen presence and her vocal abilities? Or was she really sweet, and shy, and the whole kittenish sexiness was just an act. With her he couldn’t tell yet. And what did she like for fun, what made her sad, or caused a giggle? He wanted to know her, and he’d never recalled wanting to call someone as badly as he wanted to call her.

He lay across the bed, and tried not to think of her, mindlessly flipping through channels, the crisp sheets invigorating his bare body until as though an omen he saw the words appear in the lower left hand corner of the screen:

Khrystine Morgan
Love me right boy

And the opening chords to her new hit single began to play. Maybe he was meant to call her tonight. And it surely wouldn’t look so utterly desperate if he just happened to be flipping through the channels and her video “happened” to come on and he just “happened” to call her to tell her how much he enjoyed it.

But first, he’d watch the video. God had to have made a mistake when he put that much cute in Khrystine. She wasn’t just sexy but cute. The way she’d wink at the camera, and prance around, and flip her hair. It didn’t look contrived at all. She just had a very cute way even the way she tipped her head back and laughed. And contrary to his initial impression of her, she didn’t seem spoiled rotten. A beautiful video diva that wasn’t ugly to the core on the inside seemed a proposition too good to be true for Dylan. He’d have to wait and see. In the meantime he had to drum up the courage to call her after the song was over.


The melody was speaking to Khyrstine, and as so often happened, she heard the music first and then, the words called out to her, as though within a dream sequence. Thoughts of Dylan, returned to her mind. She never imagined herself feeling attracted to someone like him, he seemed rough around the edges, and rebellious even. She knew she had to be very careful with the delicious thoughts that thinking of him could well up. In the end, JaQuon was right, a romance with him could be used in damaging ways by the press. She would go from r&b princess to the girlfriend of an incurable bad boy in the blink of an eye if she gave into feelings for him.

And her father, boy, he would hit the roof. She loved her dear old dad but imagining the look that would cross his dark features if she and Dylan were to hook up almost made her want to go out with him because she could.

That was the teenager that was left in the twenty-one year old adult. It made her chuckle. Still the lyrics were speaking to her, and they kept whispering a tale of Dylan.

Entice me with your Brown Eyes
Then my heart I won’t deny
Let me be your fantasy
And I’ll show you how…
You can be the man I need.

I can’t hang around…
Because I know true love can’t be found..
But I can be yours for the moment
I’ll be the love you won’t forget..

When you come around boy
My feelings I can’t deny
But loving you would be a lie

In two different worlds
One boy, one girl
We can never be
More than just a dream

Entice me with your Brown Eyes
Then my heart I won’t deny
Let me be your fantasy and I’ll show you how
You can be the man I need.

So when it’s over
Undercover Lover
Go your way
And I’ll go mine
And lets always remember our special time

She knew she was onto something because she felt like the lyrics matched the colors that she heard in her head. It was a very moody timber, even though it was sensual, much like the words. She poured another glass of chardonnay, sipping it slowly, waiting for the words to come together. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t hear the cellphone until the second ring.

Who would be calling her at this time of the evening on her cell? She started not to take the call, she’d already downed four glasses of wine, and was probably not in the best position to talk, but it could be important.

“Hello,” she said softly, conscious of the fact that her voice sounded husky.

“Hello Khyrstine, this is Dylan,” said the voice on the other end of the receiver.

His voice was actually shaking. And the lack of confidence on the other end had the opposite effect of what he may have thought it would have. It made her swoon even more.

“Well what’s up Dylan. It’s nice of you to call me. It’s kinda late though,” she teased.

He brought laughter back into her voice. There hadn’t been any laughter in her voice since the party.

“Did I wake you up? I can call back at a better time. I’m sorry I-“

“No need to apologize Dylan. This is a fine time. I was still up anyway,” she sighed softly.

“Well, I was calling because I just saw your video for Love Me Right Boy on MTV. I bet you see it all the time, but when I saw it I thought of you. That’s a great video. You just look so cool, and relaxed, and yet into the song,” he added softly.

“Really? You think so? I think that you are the epitome of cool in your videos. You’ve got this bad, devil may care attitude, I’m mean I’ve seen all your videos and something about your swagger-“ Khyrstine stopped cold. She sounded more like a giggling teenager than a budding r&b/pop star in that instant and she had to compose herself.

“You think that’s cool? Ant says I look angry, like I have indigestion or something, but thank you,” he teased.

“He’s just jealous,” chuckled Khrystine in spite of herself. Dylan had a great sense of humor. He was so down to earth.

“Ah, nothing to be jealous of. But I liked your style in the video. You are going places, and fast. Don’t forget about me on your way up,” he said chuckling.

“Me? Forget about you? You’re the international rock star,” chuckled Khrystine.

“Ah, Fame is fickle Khrystine. Talent like what you have, and what I have on a good day, that’s what’s gonna stick around. Love me or leave me, I’ll still find a way to do my music some kind of way. It’s my heart Khrystine. I don’t really have anything else. I’m sorry, I’m talking to much,” he added softly.

Khrystine was now sitting on the floor wrapping her towel around herself shivering. She wondered if the low husky tones in his voice were deliberate, or if he always sounded so sensual on the telephone. The way he would gasp for air between each sentence. She squeezed her legs tightly together along with her eyes, breathing deeply to control herself. He was even sexier to her on the phone. This was scary to her.

“You aren’t talking to much Dylan. I think all of us, everyone on MTV is there because there’s some part of ourselves that we can get out in our art that we can’t let go of anywhere else,” she added softly.

And then she felt as though she had revealed too much.

“I’m glad to know we have that in common. I guess you seem larger than life, as though you wouldn’t need art as a means to express things that you are afraid to express otherwise. But I’m glad that you feel that need Khrystine. It makes you human. And maybe god gave you that need to make you human,” he added softly.

”I am human Dylan. You know that. You of all people should know that. Just like you are a human being,” she added softly.

“I know you are human Khrystine, there’s just something about you. I don’t know what it is, and I’m not trying to be phony, I’m not trying to sell you a line, there is just something that is so perfect and sweet about you even as the untouchable glamour queen video diva,” he added with a chuckle.

“Sweet and perfect? Me? Are you talking about me? Remember the deal,” She asked and wondered if he could see her blushing over the telephone.

“Yeah. I am talking about you, and I know the deal. We are friends. But who said something was wrong with two friends wanting to know eachother better. What are you doing tomorrow,” he inquired softly.

“Oh Dylan I’m busy tomorrow. I have got like a crack of dawn photo shoot? I don’t know how they expect me to look good at six am. I’m not presentable until 12 pm,” she said chuckling.

“I find that hard to believe. I bet you look great in the morning. I mean, that came out wrong, I’m saying that you are probably as pretty at dawn as you are at noon. Sorry,” he said softly.

He was genuinely concerned about offending her. He warmed her heart.

“That’s okay. I knew you were sincere. You are really sweet Dylan. Yeah, but I’m busy tomorrow, with the photo shoot. I do like the clothes though, and seeing the outfits should be fun,” said Khrystine.

“How about after the shoot? I can pick you up. We can grab a pizza or something,” he added.

“You wouldn’t mind hanging around if it takes a few extra minutes to wrap? It should be done by like 1:00 PM. And you can look at the proofs with me and see what you like too. You are like a fresh set of eyes, because you don’t hang around with us all the time. Sounds great to me,” said Khrystine brightly.

“Okay. I’ll be there at like 12:45 tomorrow,” said Dylan.

They talked for at least another hour after that mainly about the business. Khrystine really didn’t want to hang up, but she realized if she didn’t hang up, she’d look pretty bad tomorrow morning. Since work tomorrow hinged on her looking her best, she reasoned she better get some sleep and try to counteract the effects that her overdrinking might have on her morning.

“I don’t want to hang up Dylan. It’s really so much fun talking to you. It’s refreshing,” said Khrystine.

“I don’t want to hang up either. Okay this is really silly but lets both hang up on five. Then neither of us has to say goodbye. We can just say hello to eachother tomorrow,” chuckled Dylan.

Khyrstine chuckled until water ran out of her eyes.

“You silly man. We’ve gotta say goodbye to eachtoher,” she murmured yawning.

“My you have a cute yawn. Who says we have to say goodbye to eachother, and you said yourself it makes you sad,” he questioned.

“No I didn’t Dylan I said that I didn’t want to hang up. I didn’t say it made me said. Maybe a teeny bit. But its proper protocol to say goodbye,” giggled Khrystine.

“So lets get his straight, we have to say goodbye because that’s the traditional way of ending a phone conversation?” chuckled Dylan.

“Well yeah,” laughed Khrystine.

“Go with your heart. Trust me on this one. It’s gonna feel silly. It’s gonna feel like we are highschool sweethearts and neither of us want to say goodbye so we devise a silly plan so we don’t have to, so we can just hang up instead, but I want us to do it this time, trust yourself with me,” he added softly.

“Okay I trust you, count forwards or backwards,” laughed Khrystine.

“Backwards, for the dramatic effect,” chuckled Dylan.

Khrystine counted backwards from five but she forgot to click end on her cellphone.

“You didn’t trust in me,” he chuckled making her do it again.

The second time she got it right and they both terminated phone connection at the same time.

That Dylan was quite a character. She was so tired so plopped into bed with her swimsuit still on, a huge grin on her face as she fell asleep.

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